Two days ago I got rid of the home row mod keys. I now use home chords or one shot keys for the modifiers.

The pinky keys in the corne keyboard are now alt, control and shift in both sides with one shot ability.

Enter, backspace, meta, tab and escape are various 2 keys combos. E.g.: enter is triggered by “jk”

The combos don’t suffer the impossible timing trade off of mod tap.

Mod tap needs to wait a certain amount of time to decide whether a press is a mod or the regular key. The solution that the qmk people suggest is to press and release to improve speed to avoid undesired presses.

I suspect that this pecking is behind my current hand pain. The need to release the key after each press was leading me to extra weird finger positions that otherwise I would avoid.

The chords have some timing issues depending on the keys. I managed to consistently trigger the combo when writing “re”. But it isn’t less frequent than the mod tap.

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