Receives an input and generates an expanded tree known as a parse tree
Lexer(grammar definition, input) -> TokenList (using yield) yields tokens from the input
Guesser(data, memory) -> grammarlist returns the list of grammars that accepts the input data
Validate(grammar definition, input) -> TokenList,
Given an input that doesn't belong to a grammar, reports what needs to be fixed in the input to belong to that grammar, the nearest alternative
What's the pydsl approach?
It uses the expanded definition of the input through Parsers. A tree of valid invalid nodes is generates, at the moment you'll need to inspect the tree
>>> from pydsl.Grammar import RegularExpression
>>> from pydsl.File.BNF import load_bnf_file
>>> integer = RegularExpression("^[0123456789]*$")
>>> date = load_bnf_file("pydsl/contrib/grammar/Date.bnf", {'integer':integer, 'DayOfMonth':load_python_file('pydsl/contrib/grammar/')})
>>> from pydsl.Validate import validate
>>> validate(date,"123")
>>> validate(date,"123,3")
>>> validate(date,"123/3")
>>> validate(date,"123/3/13")
>>> validate(date,"12/3/13")
Checks if any slice of the input matches the grammar
Extract(grammar definition, input) -> Tokenlist
returns a list of segments (tokens) that are accepted words
First(grammar definition) -> returns a set with every possible starting element