UK based open source software developer
18 years experience working with Python. I made a GUI for R in PyQT, a compiler framework called pydsl, contributed to fintech startups, worked with a few APIs, Twisted, asyncio, mypy and many other small projects.
I've worked for the last 13 years with django. Authentication backends, integration with APIs and reviewed a lot of code. I'm quite fast booting new projects and designing the code structure
I try to apply Domain Driven design principles as much as possible, with emphasis on a clean 1:1 business language - codebase. For example, open sourcing the abstractions we used in FundingOptions (github repo)
After the pandemic I invested some time exploring various note systems or PKM. I currently use telekasten for neovim with a hybrid of traditional zettelkasten and more modern digital garden approaches
I worked for a year and a half with C++/QT, making the adelin backup project. Good knowledge in OO programming (together with Python). I've some experience with STL and templates. Lately some Rust. I've done a bit of C as well, for small servers and performance critical apps
During a year I worked in the NLP sector. I implemented a user adaptation patch for sphinx 3. I also trained models for both sphinx 3 and 4 and HTK. A few months later I worked on subtitle alignment using python. As a hobby, I've worked with the NLTK library
One of my projects, pydsl is about parsers and compilers. I've worked with flex and yacc in C and many different parsers in Python.
During university, I worked with PyQT. Later, I worked with C++/QT in adelin backup and keme projects. I have experience with both QT3 and 4, and I can create a GUI program from scratch